Supporting You


Directors: G.D.Walwyn & J.E.Walwyn Registered in England and Wales

Company Number: 7131197

For further information on Home Matters

‘Supporting You’ service

Please see attached PDF


What is the ‘Supporting You’ service and how can we help?

Home Matters ‘Supporting You’ service can support you in maintaining your home and accessing the local community. Our service is extremely flexible and staff have a wealth of knowledge and experience. If you are currently struggling to maintain your independence or you are not happy with your quality of life, then give Home matters a call on 01384 340441.

We can support you with keeping on top of household chores, with shopping and accessing the local community.


We can support you to book an outing or a holiday, with a trip to the cinema or going out for a meal.


We can support you with your appointments, accessing a club or a local group.


We can support you with correspondence, budgeting and paying bills.


We can provide a companion.


The support options are wide and varied and only limited by your imagination.


The cost of the ‘Supporting You’ service depends on the level and type of support you require and is determined following an assessment of your requirements. To discuss your requirements, for further information or to arrange a visit then please call us on: 01384 340441